סט – שבת אנגלית + זמירון אנגלית

“Shabbat” (Volumes 1 & 2), deals with the topics related to 11 of the Melachot of Shabbat (categories of labor/activities forbidden on Shabbat) – from the Melacha of Sowing to the Melacha of Cooking. The didactic methodology of “Halacha MiMekora” takes the reader from the sources in the Torah, Mishna, Gemara, Rishonim and Acharonim to the Poskim of our generation, and from the foundations of the Laws to current, practical questions.

The book covers relevant questions in our times regarding the Halachot of Shabbat, such as: using a boiler and electric urn on Shabbat, preparing hot cereal for a baby, cutting salad, preparing tahini and more. This work is comprised of two volumes (sold only as a set). The first volume includes an introduction to the Laws of Shabbat, the reasons and rationale for Shabbat, a synopsis of the Halachot discussed in the book, and the Melacha of Cooking. The second volumes covers the Melachot, from Sowing to Kneading.

Birkat HaMazon and Zemirot Shabbat I

This book encompasses Birkat HaMazon (Grace after Meals), Zemirot Shabbat (Shabbat songs) and relevant Halachot, from the sources in the Talmud to the practical application of the Halachot in our times. It is adapted for both Sephardic and Ashkenazic traditions. The book includes introductions and explanations for Zemirot Shabbat, with points of emphasis on Jewish thought and philosophy, Halachot of the Kiddush, Havdala and some of the blessings. In addition, fascinating riddles for the entire family facilitate common discussions for a riveting Shabbat experience.


  • מוצר התווסף לסל
הספרים שלך
192+ נרכשו על ידי אחרים
    חישוב המשלוח
    אפשרויות המשלוח יעודכנו במהלך התשלום בקופה.
    • בחר מיקום איסוף משלוחים צ'יטה בדף התשלום